

Series I'm Currently Watching

  • 24 Season 3
  • Heroes Season 1
  • House Season 3
  • How I Met Your Mother Season 2
  • Veronica Mars Season 3

Friday, December 29, 2006

food glorious food

spent the whole day so far exactly like yesterday, doing absolutely NOTHING, literally sitting around surfing the net and chatting. just got free fish and chips for lunch from work, as well as champagne.

ah the pains of fridays....

Thursday, December 28, 2006

another day in paradise(?)

and the second day back at work after Christmas. yet another useless day! nobody's at work in town yet, thus we have no clients to go help. yesterday we had 2 calls. 2.

in other news....friday braai at the farm kathryn's looking after was good, met some new ppl, and recognized someone else i'd met years ago. ended the evening desperately seeking shooting stars and polishing off or homemade cape velvet dom pedro (and no, i still have no clarity on the correct spelling of it!)

saturday.....worked for the second last time and made a little bit of money. customers get the ugliest over Christmas time it seems. spent a little time at mark's place that evening, gareth, aran and siobhan too. the last two picked us up some mcdonald's on the way there. nothing like that to stuff your face with!

sunday, my last retail working day ever (i damn well hope!). most ppl didnt actually know it was my last day. ah no matter. still made some cash, so at least i'll have a little pocket money next month! went to the midnight service at kathryn's dad's church (on their property). very different for me, haven't been to a proper anglican service before. fine though, nothing strange at all!

monday....Christmas. well that was err...entertaining. family came over. that means sisters and gran. always good to have family over, just Christmas seems less and less fun each year. dad couldnt stay sitting up for too long, gets tired really easily. everyone sort of petered out towards the end of the afternoon. i got woken up at 8:30 by my mom asking me to go rescue my eldest sister on the side of the n1 whose car'd broken down. not exactly what i envisioned doing on Christmas!

tuesday.....hmmmm.....ah yes, went to kathryn and shared a picnic, later went to her parents house and played 30 seconds with them. good way to guage people's reactions, play something competitive. was all good. stayed for supper and then went with the whole family to watch flushed away in stellenbosch. surprisingly much better than the preview made it look!

yesterday was completely and utterly uneventful. dead like today's gonna be!

Friday, December 22, 2006

standing in line to see the show tonight....

so my dad's back in hospital, my mom took him back there yesterday afternoon. his heart's doing silly fluctuations and all. soon as they put him back on whatever drip they thought was necessary, he stabilized. and guess what specialist they called in to take a look at him? everyone's favourite apartheid (alleged) mass murderer, doctor death himself (Wouter Basson to those of you who dont know). Guess its fine long as he doesnt have any lethal tendencies towards current patients! supposedly highly intelligent says my father. well i guess you'd have to be to avoid prosecution....!

everything's winding down at work today, so i doubt there'll be any work whatsoever. same as next week. at least the traffic's awesome! going to a braai at the farm Kathryn's housesitting in Klapmuts tonight. called southern cross. hope i can find it!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

binome's right

The Crimson Binome is right, blogging every day is a challenge!

Hmmm yesterday, went out to Noordhoek to fix some ppl's pc's, and inevitably got stuck behind either slow trucks, or just plain slow drivers on the pass up there. Nice views though! What was supposed to be a simple install, literally plug a pc back in, turned into a 2 hour nightmare with their silly old dot matrix printer refusing to print normally like it always has. No luck there. Later went to do maintenance at another client, all smooth over there.

Last night, went to Carianne's place for pizza and games. Turned out quite fun in the end, met and made friends with someone new, Kathryn, might go for a braai at the farm in Klapmuts that she's housesitting on Friday.

With the way the weather is going now, it's gonna be a long hot day..

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

on the 8th day of christmas...

turns out the bastards who stole my beesting were none other than aran and mark. well, not really aran, just that mark took it off last night and transplanted it to aran's car. he says i watched him do it, but i really dont think i did. i know gareth was messing with sideview mirrors...


otherwise, my dad's back home, says he's really glad to be, looks a helluva lot better too.

*sigh* looks like it's another long hot day in cape town

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


oh and i woke up....mmmmm an hour late, and still managed to get here only ten minutes later than usual!

and some bastard stole my beesting aerial

dog eat dog, every day

so last night started at work already, can't turn down free beer, so started with the amstels there before i went home. got home, skipped supper and went out with the guys to the dros for a drink. had a few there, anna pitched up and joined us for a little while while we were there.

after much deliberating we went to what myles always refers to as a "hole" (hehe should have asked him to join us!), starlite diner (really it is a hole, but the bacon & cheese fries are what keep it alive in my book). had another drink there, with said fries, then met up with someone who gareth knew, and i vaguely remembered, finding out later her name's louise. so paid our bill and moved to the barside of starlite, helluva better vibe in there! and as usually happens on nights like these, found someone else i knew and hadn't seen for ages - samantha (now liberated from robert, is even more friendly than ever!).

she happened to be there for the same reason louise was, somebody's birthday. aran was in a sharing mood, spending money he'd later owe to gareth, so jagermeisters each it was, and then more beer (told you already, dont turn down free beer), and later another round of the icy shot. louise bought herself a half-fish bowl, of course it was shared amongst all of us who'd just met her.

after some interesting (really interesting) driving methods, we got to mark's new house. really looks different now that its built and furnished, now we cant have braai's in their lounge anymore! after robot chicken and how i met your mother, it was time to go home, since i had less than 5&1/2 hours of sleep to get.

Monday, December 18, 2006

girls just wanna have fun

damn the fhm cover lying on the desk next to me is hot!

just built ANOTHER 3 pcs, taking a break. i need sleep! semi started christmas shopping yesterday, took an extended lunch break (what they gonna do, fire me? lol) one person down, 4 ppl to go! traffic to work today was a blessing! left 15 min late and got to work 30 min early - we can now conclude in which week EVERYONE takes leave!

gonna try out office 2007 tonight, looks sweet, and from what i saw at the vista roadshow at ratanga last month, preeeeettty different!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

wake up call coffee and juice

woke up at 6:30am this morning and nearly shat myself. ran outta my room only to remember it was saturday today. yes my life has become that conditioned (eek)

work work, third last day at IC today, was a pathetically busy yet dead day. hardly made any money at all. got free coke (the cooldrink ;P) from the boss tho. chatted to that cute blonde waitress at casablanca today, poor girl also has two jobs. nice person though, seems.

went to see my dad in the hospital again this evening. he's in a much better mood now thankfully. moved outta ICU and into normal ward, and has less wires in him too. he's also eating proper food for the first time in almost two weeks.

dammit i hate corrupted video files!

btw, this is where i work:

Friday, December 15, 2006


busy trying to install vista now, but when i tried the last beta it was a real bugger about leaving when i got tired of it, so i'm messing with ms virtual machine. what a hassle that's turning out to be!

oh btw, (and yes i know i should have accepted this by now) ms' help in any format is useless, especially their circular website!

halfway payday

hmmmm the first post....a bit delayed tho! got paid by inc connection (still working out notice period) today, but i think i got paid double what i should have! no complaints there. another sunny (that means bloody hot) day in cape town today, my weather forecast shows an optimistic 23 degrees!

building 12 pcs at work today, almost done with 6 of them, 5 of which i did myself. supposed to be taking notes of work i expect for my co-op journal - blah.

nothing else happening today besides work i dont think, maybe i'll get my hair cut for the first time in ages....

time to go do more pcs!