

Series I'm Currently Watching

  • 24 Season 3
  • Heroes Season 1
  • House Season 3
  • How I Met Your Mother Season 2
  • Veronica Mars Season 3

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

dog eat dog, every day

so last night started at work already, can't turn down free beer, so started with the amstels there before i went home. got home, skipped supper and went out with the guys to the dros for a drink. had a few there, anna pitched up and joined us for a little while while we were there.

after much deliberating we went to what myles always refers to as a "hole" (hehe should have asked him to join us!), starlite diner (really it is a hole, but the bacon & cheese fries are what keep it alive in my book). had another drink there, with said fries, then met up with someone who gareth knew, and i vaguely remembered, finding out later her name's louise. so paid our bill and moved to the barside of starlite, helluva better vibe in there! and as usually happens on nights like these, found someone else i knew and hadn't seen for ages - samantha (now liberated from robert, is even more friendly than ever!).

she happened to be there for the same reason louise was, somebody's birthday. aran was in a sharing mood, spending money he'd later owe to gareth, so jagermeisters each it was, and then more beer (told you already, dont turn down free beer), and later another round of the icy shot. louise bought herself a half-fish bowl, of course it was shared amongst all of us who'd just met her.

after some interesting (really interesting) driving methods, we got to mark's new house. really looks different now that its built and furnished, now we cant have braai's in their lounge anymore! after robot chicken and how i met your mother, it was time to go home, since i had less than 5&1/2 hours of sleep to get.

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