

Series I'm Currently Watching

  • 24 Season 3
  • Heroes Season 1
  • House Season 3
  • How I Met Your Mother Season 2
  • Veronica Mars Season 3

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

helter skelter, in a summer swelter

well the last few days at work have been...well...boring to say the least. went out a few times last week, and this week i basically just drove waseem around. which isnt a bad thing, helps me kill time!

applied for a few jobs, some in stellenbosch, but the best so far is one in boston, which is the closest i'm likely to get ever! it should pay better and require less traveling too!

getting to work today was fun, as soon as i turn off the n1 into our street, there's metro police blocking our road. then i had to maneuver (i'm sure blogger's spelling of that is wrong) my way through the beautiful one way streets and unfriendly drivers of woodstock!

at least tomorrow evening i'm joining Kathryn for vensters in stellenbosch, she's moved into her flat as of yesterday, so we'll dinner together tomorrow - yum :)

here's hoping today's quick and my inbox is full!

Thursday, January 25, 2007


i forgot, i finally got a garage door opener this morning!

hehe if i quit, i wonder if they'll notice if i take it with me! hehehehehehehe

left, right and center

well now they sending me on calls like its normal everyday thing, i'm getting call sheets in the morning and going to customers and sorting stuff out. so i guess they think i'm ready!

this heat is disgustingly sticky. spend 2 and a half hours yesterday waiting in a queue at tech to register, only to get told at 9:30 that heavy current ppl go here, and light current go there. and no they didnt care or know where computers ppl had to go. finally found a lecturer, who of course knew nothing at all. ended up in me not being able to register yet, coz they dont even know whether they're even offering part time subjects this year! completely disorganized, and useless. so i put my name down with cobus on a list to see if they'll offer managament 2 part time.

did manage to register for co-op tho

busy looking for another job with better traffic situation, and it seems that something either close to home or in stellenbosch would be the best. have been talking to someone at a recruitment agency about it, gonna phone her tonight to chat. would be nice not to have to spend 2 hours of my day in bumper to bumper traffic!

went to stellies yesterday with Kathryn, was flipping 42 degrees! eugh....

Monday, January 22, 2007

beep beep

eugh, another hot day in cape town, forecast 30 degrees for today, i'd say thats rather optimistic! spent the whole weekend at Kathryn's place, and when it gets hot here, it gets boiling there - 44 degrees, and 38 in the shade! ah the joys of a burning steering wheel under your hands! all in all was an excellent weekend, just chilling and vegging, needed the break.

and now its back to work again - another 5 days of fun. on friday one of the managers asked me if i was comfortable going out on calls by myself now, and well its not like it'd make a difference if i said no! so maybe they'll be sending me out today. i'm getting seriously sick of this job, the travelling and other rubbish every single day. gotta find somewhere closer to home, this job's killing me.

at least it sounds like ibit is beginning to take shape - mark's father is going to get adsl thru them, and so is mine hopefully - finally all-day-on internet - it's so useful! my dad still hasnt gotten his car from the garage guys, they still busy neatening it up or something.....lazy buggers

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

and heads will roll

this stuff about saddam's half-brother or whatever he was is pretty sick...his head just popping off when they've hung him....supposedly there's a video out of it too...not something i wanna see.

went for a drink with mark and gareth after work yesterday, good times. then went to gareth for coffee, nearly got accosted into helping his dad and uncle put their new cupboards up - their whole kitchen is ripped to shreds, and slowly being rebuilt. after that went to mark's place to swim in his now supposedly heated pool. it wasnt. so we tried running the garden hose from his kitchen tap to his pool outside to put hot water in, which with enough siphoning it surprisingly did work! just would take forever to have any effect.

my dad ordered a peugeot 407 yesterday, a silver one, 2.0 litre, should go quite nicely if i get to drive it, hope i'll also get to try his volvo before it gets sent away.

work's been pretty dull, going out on silly calls for stupid things, like people who's internet doesnt work coz they unplug their network cables....

must register for tech sometime....and for co-op, else all this will be a waste!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


the best way to start a day is NOT to walk into the garage and see the tire you've had repaired twice already basically flat on the ground. and worse still, when you're already running late and then have to change the damn tire - not good. even more, since it's a damn spare i'm running on, i cant even do high speeds on the n1, so slow again! thankfully the traffic was kind to me today, didnt get to work late.

yesterday i got to go install a monitor - w00t. but hey, any experience is good experience (that could be taken so wrongly). at least i got to leave work early to do it, since it was a kauai store in a virgin active gym near me!

watched night at the museum last night - interesting concept, sort of a kids movie though, jumanji style (heck even had robin williams in it), but fun little romp.

ah, cant wait for work to be over today, just need a break, get to see kathryn for supper or whatever we decide.....the parents get to meet for a bit today.....should gel ok

Monday, January 08, 2007

back to work....

well Binome wants to know about here's what we know ( ;P ):

she's now (this year) a second year animal sciences student at stellenbosch university, after beginning a bsc in mathematics straight after school and changing her mind since it wasnt what she wanted. yes....she's smart ;P

dont really know what else to tell? no you wont get a photo, she's shy :) can have as many of me as you want though.

got myself a really nice digital camera on the weekend - sony cybershot w70: 7.2MP, 3x optical, 2.5inch lcd, aluminium body, viewfinder. damn nice. now i just have to pay my dad back for it!

spent the weekend with kathryn...had a braai on sat at the southern cross farm she's been housesitting, had my friends over to meet her. seemed to go well, hope it's all fine.

eugh....really dont feel like work today...just wanna veg

Friday, January 05, 2007

smells like a bar

i leave work every day smelling like i've been in a bar, what with the cigarette smoke and occasional beer drinking...

went to place in bellville for work before going home yesterday to plug in their seemingly repaired pc. didnt work. so spent a while looking like a twit, then had to bring it back in today. so that was a waste of time. at least i get petrol paid for it!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


so the cable i had to take to kauai last night....took waseem with me to help with directions..turns out we delivered it to the wrong branch! but the silly twits at the store just accept it no question, as if its for them.

saw deja vu last night, pretty damn cool movie, i like those kinda concepts, though i figured it all out before the end anyway. very cool idea though.

and today i drove all the way to hout bay to install an adsl modem router. at least its my own call out! and then i had to sit in strand street for an hour and a half waiting for charlton to finish checking a cable!


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

how many ppl wanna kick some ass?!

yay, actually went out on a call of my OWN today! drove all the way to flippen bellville south, practically home (no i don't stay in bellville south!). swapped out a power cable woohoo, then turns out their printer's buggered too, so brought that back. guess i'll go back again tomorrow or next day.

took my dad to get his new phone yesterday, after contract upgrade. nokia n73, kicks my phone's ass, pretty damn sweet phone, picture quality's awesome!

well, i'll prob go see deja vu with kathryn today, looks pretty cool concept

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


second day of the new year and i'm already tired and needing more sleep. eyes open, brain's off. very much.

spent new years at kathryn's parent's place, spent sunday morning/afternoon helping her sister and brother in law move into their new place, and got to drive kathryn's car...hmmm mazda's and ford clutches....interesting. potjie for supper and of course champagne later. was good nice and relaxed. stayed up till 3am tho, then started sending the new years sms's hehe.

spent whole of yesterday at kathryn's place, drove round for a bit, franschoek is such a tourist aimed little town, EVERYTHING's a little boutique or similar. not bad, just sorta stuff you to the locals! got to drive her dad's car too, which is surprising, since my own dad won't even let me do that!

today looks like another boring empty day at work. started the day off with lemon twist and playing pool. hmm, sounds like last night a buckleys....but that was pool and hunters through straws.....will post a pic later

well time to go download the internet....