

Series I'm Currently Watching

  • 24 Season 3
  • Heroes Season 1
  • House Season 3
  • How I Met Your Mother Season 2
  • Veronica Mars Season 3

Thursday, January 25, 2007

left, right and center

well now they sending me on calls like its normal everyday thing, i'm getting call sheets in the morning and going to customers and sorting stuff out. so i guess they think i'm ready!

this heat is disgustingly sticky. spend 2 and a half hours yesterday waiting in a queue at tech to register, only to get told at 9:30 that heavy current ppl go here, and light current go there. and no they didnt care or know where computers ppl had to go. finally found a lecturer, who of course knew nothing at all. ended up in me not being able to register yet, coz they dont even know whether they're even offering part time subjects this year! completely disorganized, and useless. so i put my name down with cobus on a list to see if they'll offer managament 2 part time.

did manage to register for co-op tho

busy looking for another job with better traffic situation, and it seems that something either close to home or in stellenbosch would be the best. have been talking to someone at a recruitment agency about it, gonna phone her tonight to chat. would be nice not to have to spend 2 hours of my day in bumper to bumper traffic!

went to stellies yesterday with Kathryn, was flipping 42 degrees! eugh....

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